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Welcome Gaming Aficionados!

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My name is Corbin Groff and I am currently a senior at The University of Texas at San Antonio. As a precursor to myself my aspirations towards my career have always been centered on helping others

At first I thought I would accomplish this goal by literally helping people get better through Physical Therapy. After starting my upper level science classes I thought of a more effective way of accomplishing this through what interested me most. Which brings me to my current major of Professional Writing, what I hope to achieve with my degree is an ability to help others better enjoy their free time via my writing.

The direction I plan to take with my degree is to speak upon either upcoming games and their designs or the state of different competitive gaming scenes or Esports. From when I was a kid one of my favorite past times was to follow different Gaming magazines or websites to discover what new titles would be released that year and what were the latest projects or mechanics in product development.

Through professional writing I now have a route to attain this childhood pastime. Currently I have been investing more in the latter and following the expansion of Esports as a franchise and the rise of gaming culture that comes in its wake. I have begun to manage this by shadowing and being more involved with different gaming conventions and competitions in our state.

For the purpose of this blog I will discuss and investigate issues that arise when writing about upcoming game titles and finding a unique voice in that matter. Along with this perspective my blog will also include an exploration and expose of the niche competitive industry that is Esports. I will accomplish these tasks by increasing my involvement in understanding writing centered on the competitive aspects and the amalgamate properties of writing about new game content.

Insofar as to whom this blog is for? To my fair readers, it’s for you who love spending your free time relishing in gaming as a medium. To those of you whose lives were inspired by different gaming franchises or laced with nostalgia from having to always save the princess. To parents who just want to grasp why their child loves Minecraft so much or to those of you that wish to reach a better general understanding. 


Do You want to start the game again?

In the upcoming weeks look out for new content as I continue to add to this blog and begin my excursion into this professional world. 

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